School Uniform

All children at Ward Jackson should follow the uniform policy at all times.

Children can wear:

Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan.

Pale blue shirt or polo shirt.

Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore. (Loose fitting, grey shorts are acceptable in summer.)

Plain blue, grey, black or white tights/socks.

Black shoes or trainers.

Pale blue gingham dresses and grey shorts may be worn in the summer.

Children should not wear:

Tracksuit bottoms, sports shorts or sports leggings (anything clearly branded/ with stripes/ logos etc).

Cycling shorts.

Hoodies and zip up jackets (even if in school colours) as part of their indoor clothing.

High heels or flip flops.

White/ brightly coloured trainers.

PE Kit

All children are provided with a PE kit from school at the start of each year. This consists of a school t-shirt and black shorts and or leggings.

Children should have suitable shoes for PE. They can wear black trainers as part of their regular uniform, or bring in trainers/ plimsols on the days PE is timetabled.


Only plain stud earrings may be worn; no other jewellery is permitted.

Children should not wear watches that have contact/ messaging or internet functions.

Earrings must be removed for PE and swimming; watches must also be removed.

It is important that children remove their own earrings. Please make sure that any ear piercings are fully healed before the start of the school year so that earrings can be safely removed for PE.

Ward Jackson Church of England Primary School is part of the Durham and Newcastle Diocesan Learning Trust. Durham and Newcastle Diocesan Learning Trust is a company limited by guarantee (company number 108472279) and exempt charity registered in England and Wales at Cuthbert House, Stonebridge, Durham, DH1 3RY.